Consultancy and project management services to Loreburn HA in its in-house setup of a new maintenance contractor.
Advice and assistance to Highland Housing Alliance in scoping and procuring new housing software.
Consultancy and project management services and support in Asset Management, Fire Risk and Asbestos Risk Management for London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham.
Strategic Asset Management support to Grampian Housing Association, Ore Valley Housing Association, and Horizon Housing Association.
Strategic Asset Performance Reviews for a number of Social Landlords in Scotland and England, including training on use of the DCL Asset Performance Model.
Value for Money and Feasibility studies on in house maintenance services for Hillcrest Housing Group, Link Housing and Cunninghame Housing Association.
Development of a stand-alone Asset Information System to support small- to medium-sized Social Landlords in using and updating stock condition data, maintaining its integrity.
Procurement and Project Management of stock condition and full energy surveys for a number of Scottish Housing Associations.
Working with Wind Farm Developers to provide community engagement services for several wind farm planning applications and post-submission services, including the development of community benefit opportunities.